It is so obvious that this ego-soaked loser once thought (and still does?) he was the Catholic version of Woody Allen.
Man, oh, man, what kind of egomaniac thinks that? He does not deserve to have his name mentioned in the same sentence as Woody Allen --- who is an American institution who has had a major impact on the film industry.
ED BURNS does not have fans. He does not. That's like saying Ben Affleck has fans. He is just another guy who made some films who surrounds himself with people who "know who he is" so he things he is famous.
But let's face it, Joe The Plumber and most of "middle America" has no idea who this loser is. And if they did, they would not like him.
Hey, I just want to alert everyone that I plan on putting up an Ed bashing post here every 6 months until I die. Before I die I will train an apprentice to carry on the good work for me.
Why am I doing this? A lot of reasons, but now I have a new one.
Simply put, I have a lot of friends who are indie films and I am sick and tired of Ed making the same crappy films that SUCK and end up making NO MONEY and it is scaring away investors who might help out my friends. I mean how many times can people see a guy like Ed making films that make $12 at the box office?
This guy had a lucky break with McMuffin Bros way-back-when and he is still riding that wave. His bills get paid by his wife and by getting hired by clueless directors (Yes, that includes Spielberg who is obviously out-of-touch and surrounded by ass kissers) who hire him to be in movies --- or that Cameron Diaz chick who gave him a 2 minute scene in her HOLIDAY movie probably out of sympathy. (I refused to see that film because he was in it, as have other people I know)
What a loser this guy is. I don't care how many gushing reviews he gets on this site --- who can trust them anyway? Is it his family writing them? People who make a living off of him? Is he writing them? Sure, maybe there are a few 15 year old girls out there with a daddy complex who like looking at an out-of-shape 40 year old man with a voice like he swallowed vomit, but other than that, most people can't stand the look and sound of this guy.
No one should hire this guy. No one. Not ever. There are way too many talented actors out there who need the break that aren't married to a millionaire ex-model. DO THE RIGHT THING AND HIRE THEM!
By the way, I hear his latest film PURPLE whatever sucks. Gee, what a shock!