Monday, June 15, 2009

More reasons why he sucks

I am a BIG time movie fan. I love all types of films and all types of actors. Some of my favorite film actors range from Errol Flynn to Jennifer Jason Leigh. I love horror, sci-fi, comedy, drama, and more. I do NOT discriminate or prejudge any kind of film. I think Woody Allen is awesome. I think Peter Jackson is awesome. 

I don't like to waste my time. I don't like to waste money. I am not the only one in the world like that. Most people are. 

Ed Burns has wasted some of by time and some of my money. I rented or went to movies (at first knowing he was in them, and later, not knowing since I avoid his films now), expecting them to be good, and they weren't. That is HIS fault. Most people do NOT like this guy. His films don't make money. That is not an opinion. That is a FACT. This guy is NOT a success. If he was, his films would be doing incredible financially, or at least be getting great reviews. 

Woody Allen's films don't make tons of money, but no one disputed his talents. His reviews are incredible. Financial success isn't the only measure of success. 

Because mostly everything he is in charge of (his own films) do poorly, it is not just my opinion, but a fact that: 

He is NOT a good writer. 

He is NOT a good director. 

He is NOT a good actor. 

Sure, a lot of people might like him. Heck, a lot of pople smoke ad eat Twinkies, too, but that doesn't mean those are good things. 

I am not the first to say his voice is annoying. I am not the first to say he has gotten fat, and I can keep going if I want to. From what I understand, he is kind of a jerk, too. Ever read an old interview with this guy? He talks about how he just wants to have a simple life with a nice Catholoic girl. Then he's off dating heroin-soaked models with millions in the bank. Don't even think about telling me that anyone in his position would do the same thing. Seriously, what kind of guy dates a model? I know plenty of models. Most are dumb as bricks. Honesty, what kind of job is that? A model. Gimme a break. 

Also, there are apartments all over NYC to buy or rent. What kind of ego must this jackass have that he went out of his way to get J.F.K. Jr's apartment? Doesn't that speak volumes about him? 

Don't understand what I mean? OK, why not buy a green, earth-friendly, socially conscious home? Wouldn't that say something GOOD about him? Sure, it would. He didn't do it. 

Why not marry a nice catholic girl and have a nice quiet life? Wouldn't that say something GOOD about him? Sure it would. He didn't do it. 

Why not produce a documentary about a real life historical hero, or produce a documentary that educates people? Wouldn't that say something GOOD about him? Sure it would. He didn't do it. 

Let's face the facts, shall we? He wanted to be rich and fmaous (don't tell me everyone does. It is NOT true). He produced a film that did all right at film festivals 15 years ago. He thought this was his chance He got some money, bought J.F.K. Jrs' apartment, dated some hot models, married one ... and now he's struggling to eke out a career for hinmelf because he is not as talented as he --- and others --- thought he was. 

Those are FACTS. Not opinions. 

All I know about this guy is out there for all to see, and I don't like it. And as far as I am concerned there is nothing he can do to redeem himself except go away. 

It is a mistake to hire this guy

I am begging ALL directors and producers and directors to NOT work with this loser. I have purposely turned off two moves that my wife rented (27 dresses and another. Forgot the name. Kate Winslet movie) because he appeared in them. This guy can NOT act. He can NOT direct. He can NOT write. His voice is so annoying it makes me sick. Seriously. It's like listening to old Phil Collins music. 

I am sure his rich wife regrets marrying him. She is probably some naive idiot who thought she was marrying some hot young filmmakers, but that obviously didn't work out to be true. Maybe she can get an annulment based on that. A judge might be sympathetic and let her out of. I bet that right now she is probably wondering how she can get out of the marriage without losing half her $$$ - since he clearly doesn't make any, she'll have to support him. 

I heard through the grapevine that he is now in a band! God help us. I can't stand hearing him TALK, I don't even want to image what he sounds like singing! 

I guess he is just looking for another source of income. 

First he tried to be the next Woody Allen. Failed. 

Then he tried to be the next Kevin Smith. Failed. 

Then he failed to be the next Martin Scorsese (that Ash Wed disaster). Failed. 

Then he tried paying his bills by starting an "acting" career outside of his terrible films. Failing ....... 

Dear, Mr. Burns: 

Please, go away. Please. You are not meant for this industry. This is an ENTERTAINMENT industry and you do not entertain anyone. Just because you made one so-so movie that a bunch of kooks at film festivals liked nearly 15 years ago does NOT mean this should be your life-long career. 

There is nothing wrong with trying something, failing, and moving on to something else. You would not be the first "actor" to walk away from this industry. among other people, that kid from Weird Science did. Since you have such a huge ego, you can even convince yourself that you are in the same category as Randolph Scott and Greta Garbo, who both walked away and retired. 

Why not open a restaurant or something? You are a religious catholic guy, right? Maybe open a church or sell Jesus t-shirts. You've got a rich wife. Get her pregnant a few times and you are set for life. Take a cue from that bitch who took Paul McCartney to the cleaners. You can do that, too. PLUS you've got both your legs! 

Please don't be stubborn. Bill Clinton was hated by more than 1/2 the country and got impeached and refused to do the right thing and step down after having an affair with an intern. Why not learn from his mistakes? Why not realize that no one wants to see you in anything (except some ass kissers who make money off you) and go away? 

I am not trying to be mean, but you wouldn't try to be a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist if you didn't have the ability; right? So kindly do the world a favor and do something you might be good at. Acting and/or Directing and/or Writing and (lord help us) being in a band, isn’t your thing. Please find something else. 

Good luck. 


someone who represents countless people who would never take the time and energy to write the above. 

p.s. I am certain anyone who writes anything GODO about you on IMDB probably works for you or is related to you. After all, there is no way YOU have a real fan club. You're just a B actor. Yes, even Spielberg makes mistakes. Remember, 1941?! 

Now he wants to star in horror films? he is the horror!

Now he is trying to be a HORROR movie star. Have you read the reviews on that flick he's now in? did it even play in theaters? what a loser. Everything he touches turns to crap.

He is not the Catholic Woody Allen

It is so obvious that this ego-soaked loser once thought (and still does?) he was the Catholic version of Woody Allen. 

Man, oh, man, what kind of egomaniac thinks that? He does not deserve to have his name mentioned in the same sentence as Woody Allen --- who is an American institution who has had a major impact on the film industry. 

ED BURNS does not have fans. He does not. That's like saying Ben Affleck has fans. He is just another guy who made some films who surrounds himself with people who "know who he is" so he things he is famous. 

But let's face it, Joe The Plumber and most of "middle America" has no idea who this loser is. And if they did, they would not like him. 


Hey, I just want to alert everyone that I plan on putting up an Ed bashing post here every 6 months until I die. Before I die I will train an apprentice to carry on the good work for me. 

Why am I doing this? A lot of reasons, but now I have a new one. 

Simply put, I have a lot of friends who are indie films and I am sick and tired of Ed making the same crappy films that SUCK and end up making NO MONEY and it is scaring away investors who might help out my friends. I mean how many times can people see a guy like Ed making films that make $12 at the box office? 

This guy had a lucky break with McMuffin Bros way-back-when and he is still riding that wave. His bills get paid by his wife and by getting hired by clueless directors (Yes, that includes Spielberg who is obviously out-of-touch and surrounded by ass kissers) who hire him to be in movies --- or that Cameron Diaz chick who gave him a 2 minute scene in her HOLIDAY movie probably out of sympathy. (I refused to see that film because he was in it, as have other people I know) 

What a loser this guy is. I don't care how many gushing reviews he gets on this site --- who can trust them anyway? Is it his family writing them? People who make a living off of him? Is he writing them? Sure, maybe there are a few 15 year old girls out there with a daddy complex who like looking at an out-of-shape 40 year old man with a voice like he swallowed vomit, but other than that, most people can't stand the look and sound of this guy. 

No one should hire this guy. No one. Not ever. There are way too many talented actors out there who need the break that aren't married to a millionaire ex-model. DO THE RIGHT THING AND HIRE THEM! 

By the way, I hear his latest film PURPLE whatever sucks. Gee, what a shock! 

Plans for Ed's future?

I have been very busy with my own life, but I'll soon launch EdBurnsSucks and full force in my efforts to save audiences from being subjected from this most horrible wanna-be. He is a terrible actor, a terrible writer, and is probably one of the most annoying people trying to eek out a living in the entertainment industry. In fact, if he didn't marry a rich model and get her pregnant (probably to assure he will always have some $$$ even if she divorces this loser) then he'd probably be struggling to pay his bills. 

I don;t know anyone who likes this guy. I know a lot of people and we walk about actors and writers we love ... and hate ... and this guy's name frequently comes up as a total joke. 

NO ONE SHOULD HIRE THIS GUY because he ruins movies. 

Seriously. There are a handful of movies that some people would have liked to have seen but no one wants to deal with hearing this guy's annoying voice in some scenes. 

The fact that this guy has any kind of a career can only be attributed to luck. It certainly is not talent. 

Imagine ... he once thought he was going to be the "Catholic Woody Allan." Give me a break. I wonder how many letters he has written to Woody Allen, begging for a role in one of his movies. If that ever happened, it would be the worst thing to ever happen in the history of cinema. 

This guy makes me want to vomit. It would be so great if he can just move to Connecticut and open a Catholic school or something. Or maybe sell home made jelly at a farmer's market. Anything. But please, keep this guy out of the movies. 

I am back

Hey, everyone. Sorry. We've been too busy to deal with this, but we're going to get back to it soon. until then, we'll just put up some of our posts that are on IMDB. We have a mission. Keep Ed Burns from appearing in --- and ruining --- and more films. This guy sucks.

Anyone who thinks this guy is good looking .... he is starting to look like Meat Loaf. 

No offense to Meat Loaf, BTW!

Are they crazy for hiring this guy? 

He can not act. 

His voice is annoying. 

There are a ton of people who avoid any film he appears in. 

They screwed up. Hopefully no one else will make the same mistake in the future.

actually, if you knew how incredible and wonderful my life was you'd be amazed. EVeryone is entitled to their hobbies. A bunch of us don't like this guy and it's fun to make fun of him. The website will be worked on when we can find the time. 

Incidentally, I haven't lived with my parents since I was a teenager because I went away to college and have had my own homes ever since. They never even had a basement. It really is silly that people think anyone who attacks this guy has a personal vendetta or live in their parent's basements. 

Plenty of people don't like Paris Hilton or Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton, but no one makes the same accusations about them. 

It is safe to assume that anyone who comes to these boards that claims to be a FAN probably works for him. After all, how could he have a fan base when his films have been consistantly bad? 

Book authors have fans. 

Real actors have fans. 

But most filmmakers don't have fans. Sure, a lot of people might see their films, but that doesn't mean they have a loyal fan base. One of the smartest and busiest filmmakers in Hollywood is JOHN SAYLES. He is great. Everyone knows it. But I do not know a single person that runs out and says, "Hey, John Sayles made a new movie! Let's go see it!" Simply put, his films are too eclectic. There is no single audience that he appeals to. 

So ... how does Ed have a fan base? Since he only gets top billing on his own films, and he is basically a B-actor whose name is in the credits somewhere, no one is rushing out to see a film just because his name is in the credits. I mean, no one went out and saw THE GODFATHER because Diane Keaton was in it. Even if you were a fan of Diane Keaton! People saw The Godfather or because of FFC or because of Brando or Pacino. But not because of a cast member! 

Furthermore, Ed's films suck. His films don't even get in theaters anymore ... and are then even available on video or cable, with the exception of 1 or 2? 

So, how are you a fan? 

How can you be a fan of someone when it is almost impossible to see his work? 

If Ed has fans ... they are family and friends ... and heck, since I've written this much i may as well add ... some losers that live their parents' basements!